13/02 05:12
Rookgaard is covered in dragonfire run for your lives!
13/02 05:09
The dragons have landed take cover inside the city!
13/02 05:09
Dragons seen flying towards Rookgaard. It's advised to stay within the city walls!
13/02 03:36
Rat Plague in Thais!
12/02 23:00
Ancient scarabs are making their final push towards Ankrahmun.
12/02 22:59
Ancient scarab reinforcements have arrived to attack Ankrahmun.
12/02 22:58
Ancient scarabs are leading an attack on Ankrahmun.
12/02 22:57
Unusual frequent scarab sightings at the gates of Ankrahmun
12/02 19:20
Many aggressive canines spotted roaming south of Ab'Dendriel! Take care!
12/02 17:50
Minotaurs are advancing to Darashia from the north!
12/02 17:49
Minotaurs are gathering in overwhelming numbers north of Darashia!
12/02 17:47
Rival minotaurs are preparing an attack on the minotaur pyramid in Darashia!
12/02 16:55
More soldiers are needed to help save Venore!
12/02 16:50
Venore is under attack! Get somewhere safe!
12/02 16:48
Massive cobras and spiders seen approaching Venore! BEWARE!