Raid Log
13/02 05:12
Rookgaard is covered in dragonfire run for your lives!
13/02 05:09
The dragons have landed take cover inside the city!
13/02 05:09
Dragons seen flying towards Rookgaard. It's advised to stay within the city walls!
13/02 03:36
Rat Plague in Thais!
12/02 23:00
Ancient scarabs are making their final push towards Ankrahmun.
12/02 22:59
Ancient scarab reinforcements have arrived to attack Ankrahmun.
12/02 22:58
Ancient scarabs are leading an attack on Ankrahmun.
12/02 22:57
Unusual frequent scarab sightings at the gates of Ankrahmun
12/02 19:20
Many aggressive canines spotted roaming south of Ab'Dendriel! Take care!
12/02 17:50
Minotaurs are advancing to Darashia from the north!
12/02 17:49
Minotaurs are gathering in overwhelming numbers north of Darashia!
12/02 17:47
Rival minotaurs are preparing an attack on the minotaur pyramid in Darashia!
12/02 16:55
More soldiers are needed to help save Venore!
12/02 16:50
Venore is under attack! Get somewhere safe!
12/02 16:48
Massive cobras and spiders seen approaching Venore! BEWARE!
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Exilium launches in !
If you are caught breaking any of these rules, a gamemaster may temporarily banish you. We will then assess the banishment using recorded evidence from the gamemaster. You are free to make an appeal ticket via discord #help channel. If your appeal is successful, you will be unbanished and can resume playing.

Every scenario is different and we will assess each one individually, and we will give out a punishment if necessary which could consist of a warning, termed banishment or deletion.

1. Names

a) Offensive Names

Names that contain insults, discriminatory language, sexually explicit references, harassment, threats, or any generally objectionable content are not allowed.

b) Invalid Name Format

Names that include incomplete sentences (except for guild names), poorly structured words, or random, nonsensical combinations of letters are not allowed.

c) Name Containing Forbidden Advertising

Names that advertise brands, products or services of third parties, content which is not related to the game or trades for real money.

d) Unsuitable Name

Names that generally do not fit into our fantasy setting that express religious or political views

e) Name Supporting Rule Violation

Names that support, incite, announce or imply a violation of the our rules.

2. Statements

a) Offensive Statements

Insulting, racist, sexually related, drug-related, harassing, or generally objectionable statements.

b) Spamming

Excessively repeating identical or similar statements or using badly formatted or nonsensical text.

c) Forbidden Advertising

Advertising brands, products, or services of third parties, content unrelated to the platform, or trades for real money.

d) Off-Topic Public Statements

Religious, political, or other public statements unrelated to the topic of the used channel or board.

e) Violating Language Restrictions

Using non-English statements in boards or channels where English is explicitly required.

f) Disclosing Personal Data of Others

Sharing personal information also known as doxing of other individuals without their consent.

g) Supporting Rule Violations

Statements that support, incite, announce, or imply a violation of the platform's rules.

3. Griefing

Deliberately abusing or exploiting game mechanics and freedoms to excessively harass other players without justification, especially in ways that hinder their ability to progress or enjoy the game, is strictly prohibited.

However, keep in mind that PvP is a core part of the game. If you have created an enemy and they are pursuing you, this is not necessarily considered griefing. All reports will be assessed individually, as each scenario is unique.

4. Cheating

a) Bug Abuse

Exploiting obvious errors of the game or any other part of our services.

b) Using Unofficial Software or Modifying Official Software

Manipulating or modifying the official game client to gain an advantage over other players, abusing the official game client, using additional software to play the game, or pretending to cheat to deliberately mislead other players is strictly prohibited.

We do, however, offer the players a built-in in-game macros designed for training purposes only, such as casting spells or eating food. Your character must remain stationary while using the macros provided by us. The use of any other unofficial or external programs or macros is strictly prohibited and will result in account deletion.

5. Multi-Clienting

We allow a maximum of two characters per person per server to be online at any given time. Any additional characters beyond this limit are against the rules. One character may engage in activities such as gaining experience, fishing, mining, or PvPing, benefiting from active gameplay advantages, while the second character must be restricted to activities like training or rune making (using macros, as per the 4. b) rule above).

Using a scout or additional characters for PvP actions such as, but not limited to, casting magic walls, blocking, being near a fight, or carrying supplies, is strictly prohibited and will result in a ban.

6. Real World Trading

a) Virtual Content Trading

It is strictly prohibited to buy or sell any virtual content from the game such as, but not limited to, coins, items, houses, characters, accounts, etc... using real currency. Players caught engaging in such activities will face appropriate penalties, including the banning or deletion of the character involved in the transaction, as well as all characters linked to that account.

b) Account Trading

Offering account data to other players in exchange for real money or third-party products is strictly prohibited.

7. Hacking

Stealing another player's account or personal data, or hacking an account, is a serious offense and a real-life crime. If the original account owner decides to report it, this could lead to a police investigation.

Additionally, any attempt to steal a player's account or personal data such as, but not limited to, spreading malicious links in the game or on the website to trick players into downloading a keylogger, will result in a lengthy account ban or even account deletion.

If you happen to gain access to another player's account accidentally, such as due to their negligence with account security, you are required not abuse this knowledge. Instead, you are required to inform the player so they can secure their account.

8. Account Sharing and Experience Gaining

Account sharing is allowed for simple interactions such as training or assisting with basic tasks.

However, gaining experience (EXP) on accounts that do not belong to you, utilizing or providing experience services for or from other players, or any actions where players gain experience on behalf of one another is strictly prohibited.

While account sharing remains acceptable for non-exp-related purposes, violations of these policies will be assessed individually, as each scenario is unique.