Raid Log
27/07 06:11
Creatures of the forrest have increased in numbers close to Ab'Dendriel!
27/07 04:42
The evil wizard Zu has made his appearance! Eliminate him at once and save the city!
27/07 04:41
Carlin city walls have been breached! Run for your lives!
27/07 04:41
More creatures continue to descend upon Carlin!
27/07 04:39
Carlin's city gates are under attack! Take shelter before they breach the wall!
27/07 04:38
Carlin beware! An evil wizard is preparing an army of powerful Wyrms to attack the city!
27/07 01:38
The gates of Venore are under attack!
27/07 01:35
Elves have surrounded Venore!
27/07 01:32
A large clan of elves have been sighted headed towards the gates of Venore!
26/07 22:01
Thais is under attack!
26/07 21:55
Orc activity near Thais reported! Beware!
26/07 20:53
Goblins are converging west of Edron!
26/07 18:50
The desert nomads are launching a full scale attack on Ankrahmun. Some might even have slipped through the defences.
26/07 18:49
Nomad scouts have been sighted close to the gates to Ankrahmun.
26/07 13:10
Lizards are advancing to Port Hope from Chor.
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Nirvanum launches in !

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