05/01 13:11
Orcs are attacking Rookgaard!
05/01 13:10
Rookgaard is overrun with orcs!
05/01 13:08
Orcs in Rookgaard have been seen moving in large groups.
05/01 10:05
The barbarians are preparing for a final assault on Svargrond. Hide or fight!
05/01 10:04
The barbarians attacks on Svargrond are becoming more and more fierce!
05/01 10:03
Raiders are attacking Svargrond!
05/01 10:02
Some invaders might try to access Svargrond via the ice to the south west.
05/01 10:02
Scouts report a barbarian army gathering near Svargrond.
05/01 06:14
Evil Cultists have called an ancient evil into the volcano on Goroma. Beware of its power mortals.
05/01 06:12
There is an evil presence at the volcano of Goroma.
05/01 06:10
The ancient volcano on Goroma slowly becomes active once again.
05/01 03:39
Run! Empowered Warlocks sighted east of Edron! There seems to be a very unholy gathering!
05/01 03:37
More monks have gathered at a stone circle west of Edron. Something terrible is going to happen!
05/01 03:36
Some monks have gathered at a stone circle west of Edron. They seem to be up to something.
05/01 02:38
The evil wizard Zu has made his appearance! Eliminate him at once and save the city!