29/01 15:43
Creatures of the forrest have increased in numbers close to Ab'Dendriel!
29/01 14:41
Svargrond is under attack!
29/01 14:41
Some invaders might try to access Svargrond via the ice to the North.
29/01 14:41
Rival barbarians gathering near Svargrond
29/01 10:02
Majestic creatures with stripes roam the small desert at Meriana.
29/01 03:39
Minotaurs are advancing to Darashia from the north!
29/01 03:38
Minotaurs are gathering in overwhelming numbers north of Darashia!
29/01 03:36
Rival minotaurs are preparing an attack on the minotaur pyramid in Darashia!
28/01 23:29
Bonebeasts have taken over Ankrahmun Dipthrah tomb!
28/01 23:28
Increased number of Bonebeasts are rattling down in the Ankrahmun Dipthrah tomb!
28/01 22:38
Darashia is being overwhelmed by Diabolic beings!
28/01 22:35
The undead are attacking Darashia!
28/01 22:26
Sightings of undead, west of Darashia! Imminent invasion is suspected!
28/01 17:47
Rat Plague in Thais!
28/01 16:15
Gargoyle attack inside of Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb!